
BCP-501 Business Continuity Planning Review – Good for ‘Employers of Choice’ Too

The BCP-501 course with its certifying examination has two major objectives. Firstly, it provides business continuity planning revision. And secondly, it prepares attendees for the DRI International Qualifying Examination.  That means a fast-paced, information-packed 16 hours of instruction for a real BC planning work-out with professional instructors who know the subject thoroughly. Different BCM credentials can be applied for: ABCP, CFCP, CBCP and CBCV from DRI International. Together with this, it’s designed to be fun and to elicit active participation. There are also further advantages for enterprises and organisations enrolling employees for this course. Read more

2014-06-23T15:05:03+10:00By |DRI International, Training|

Business Continuity Planning Review (BCP-501) – It Starts Before You Get There!

The name of the course says it all – or does it? A business continuity planning review course means training for people who have already had experience of business continuity. But good BC practice also means that while you’re in training, your organisation still continues to function properly. Don’t be a single point of failure! Follow the tips below to prepare for a truly productive three days covering risk and business impact analysis, forming BC teams, testing your BC planning, the Incident Command System, and much more. Read more

2014-04-15T12:33:55+10:00By |DRI International, Training|

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Training and Certification with BCP501 and BCLE2000

Business continuity training at its best is adapted to different classes and different levels of BC experience. That’s how DRI International courses are organised. The two courses discussed below, BCLE 2000 and BCP 501 are part of the BCM (business continuity management) track. They enable participants to achieve different levels of internationally recognised certification. Other courses also exist for BC professionals for advanced BCM and for auditor, public sector and healthcare tracks. Read more