The name of the course says it all – or does it? A business continuity planning review course means training for people who have already had experience of business continuity. But good BC practice also means that while you’re in training, your organisation still continues to function properly. Don’t be a single point of failure! Follow the tips below to prepare for a truly productive three days covering risk and business impact analysis, forming BC teams, testing your BC planning, the Incident Command System, and much more.
- Know Why You are Attending. Whether the business continuity planning review training is at your request or part of an initiative from your enterprise, be clear about what you should be getting out of it. Updated practical knowledge is a key take-away. Achieving certification in the course exam is also a major element. It’s good for your career; it’s also beneficial for your organisation to show partners, suppliers and customers that it takes business continuity seriously.
- Tell Your Colleagues and Staff. And that includes your manager! Letting them know in a few well-chosen words where you’ll be and why is good publicity for business continuity in your organisation. They may also have some questions of their own that you can take with you to delve into with the instructor on the course. As a business continuity professional, you owe it to everybody to make sure your absence is not a cause of business interruption.
- Plan Ahead for Your Work. To get the most out of BCP-501, a fast-paced and fun course, expect to be fully engaged for the whole three days. In any kind of training, it’s a temptation to try to bring office work and hope for a spare moment to do it. Unfortunately, the result is often that both work and training suffer. So plan ahead before the course and ask a colleague to represent you while you’re in training – score points with your organisation for good business continuity when you’re at your desk or away from it!