DRI International

A DRI Training Discussion Point – the Value of Your Data

Participating in DRI courses on disaster recovery and business continuity planning and management is an excellent idea for many organisations, big and… not so big! The principles, techniques and best practices presented in the training show you clearly how to understand and apply the concepts that can make the difference between an enterprise that swims or sinks. Sometimes important points in the courses can benefit from reinforcement, particularly for information that the world in general is still getting up to speed on. For example, understanding the financial impact of data loss, i.e. the value of your organisation’s data, is relevant for everybody concerned with disaster recovery and business continuity. Read more

Risk Management – a Common Factor in Business Continuity Training

While individual DRI courses may focus on specific areas of business continuity, certain topics come up time and time again. It’s because they are fundamental to any effective BC process; risk management is one such topic. Understanding the possibilities of failure, losses or damage is crucial for putting together a business continuity plan that gives an organisation adequate protection at a reasonable cost. However, risk management has also evolved significantly over the recent past. BC managers must now also integrate the notion of positive risk into their daily activities – that is, risk that represents opportunities, not just threats. Read more

Business Continuity and Corporate Governance

A large part of business continuity has to do with measuring how an organisation stacks up compared to BC best practice, assessing processes in place to improve that performance and making a system of checks and balances to ensure that compliance with BC principles continues. Expressed like this, these aspects of business continuity start to sound remarkably like corporate governance. Business continuity even has the same three dimensions of ownership and reporting, involvement, and integration. From roots in IT, moving into operations and change management, and now emerging as a discipline in its own right, business continuity has also become an important part of good corporate governance. Read more

2013-12-23T18:05:42+11:00By |DRI International, Training|

Learning about the Key Difference between Plans and Planning in Business Continuity

‘Plans are nothing; planning is everything’. This famous quote from Eisenhower, military supremo and later President of the United States, needs some further explanation – but it’s worth paying attention for anyone who wants to put solid business continuity in place. Eisenhower’s meaning was that while you need a plan, the plan must remain flexible and open to any required changes; and that the process itself of planning is as valuable as the documents it produces along the way. This is a fundamental theme of the one-day DRI course on Business Plan Exercise, Audit and Maintenance (BCOE-800) that also includes further related topics. Read more

2013-12-23T16:07:38+11:00By |Disaster Recovery, Training|

Being Sure about Business Continuity with the DRI Auditor Certification Course (BCLE-AUD)

While business continuity plans and management leave ample scope for innovation and creativity, they must also be rigorously assessed to find out how well they will work. The 4.5 day course run by DRI-ANZ on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Auditor Certification trains you to do just that. You may already be part of a company’s audit team or you may active in planning or enterprise self-assessment programs. For any of these roles and more, the BCLE-AUD course brings you the knowledge you need. It also gives you the chance to confirm your newly developed aptitude by taking the DRI International Professional Qualifying Audit Examination.  How does this then help you and your organisation? Read more

Building a Continuity Plan for Pandemic Influenza: Adapting BC to Special Needs

How would you deal with a pandemic in order to keep your organisation operational? Would you split departments into two physically separated units to increase the probability that at least half the employees could still work – or have ten per cent of the workforce move to remote homeworking? The one day Pandemic Influenza business continuity course from the DRI gives participants targeted training on understanding and handling these situations. Yet while influenza is already a real threat to business continuity and productivity, the material in this course has further ranging application too. Read more

2013-12-16T12:33:34+11:00By |DRI International|

Business Continuity Management Overview and Why Pareto Would Be Proud

One of the business continuity courses offered by DRI-ANZ is the Business Continuity Management Overview course, BCOE000. The aim of the course is to transfer fundamental knowledge to attendees about BC planning and management. As a one-day course, it covers the importance, trends, planning approach, roles and responsibilities involved, giving participants a clear view of BC and its relationship with an organisation. What then is the connection with Pareto?  Even if the name is unfamiliar, you’ve probably come across some version of the ’80-20’ rule that came about as a result of Pareto’s research into the Italian economy about one century ago. Here’s how it applies to this course. Read more

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Get-Togethers

None of us is as smart as all of us, as the saying goes. While the education programs offered by DRI-ANZ are an excellent basis for starting in business continuity and disaster recovery and then moving to advanced levels, member networking can be highly beneficial too. It’s the opportunity to keep in touch with colleagues and compare notes. It’s also a great way to stay up to date with the challenges and opportunities in both BC and DR. While the press and websites often have good background information on trends and developments, nothing beats talking to somebody who has tried a solution in a real life environment. Read more

2013-12-12T11:23:13+11:00By |Disaster Recovery, Training|

From Risk Analysis to Emergency Management – Training Courses with DRI-ANZ

To get up to speed rapidly and effectively in business continuity and disaster recovery, training course given by experienced professional instructors from DRI International are an excellent solution. A flexible, modular approach gives both beginning and experienced BC practitioners the possibility to select training classes to suit individual requirements. BCOE 200 - Introduction to the Principles of Risk Management Business continuity management uses key methodologies and models to understand and apply risk management in particular. This course brings you the knowledge and practical application, so that you can understand what risk assessment accomplishes, why it is important in business continuity planning, how to do it and how to integrate risk assessment and its results in a business continuity program. The course data-gathering activities can also be used as part of BCOE 400 for developing business continuity strategies. BCOE 300 - Introduction to Business Impact Analysis The Business Impact Analysis is Read more

Two Bonuses of Corporate Business Continuity Training Worth Having

Knowledge becomes effective when it is applied. What better place to apply it than in your own organisation or business? That’s one of the major benefits of the corporate training offered by DRI Australia and New Zealand. By bringing business continuity and disaster recovery training to you, rather than vice versa, the opportunities are multiplied to make the course home in on your particular circumstances and interests. Course material can be adapted or created to address the points that are of specific importance to you and your team. Productivity goes up because participants do not have to spend time travelling. And there are at least two other key advantages to be gained. Read more

2013-11-25T10:25:29+11:00By |DRI International, Training|