5 Ways to Fail at Disaster Recovery

Sometimes we get so busy trying to do things right that we get blindsided to some of the things we might be doing wrong. Doing things right can be considered as necessary, but not sufficient. Not doing things wrong (you’ll have to excuse a double negative here!) is the other half of the equation, only to be neglected at your peril. What can go wrong? Read more

2016-08-23T09:40:46+10:00By |Disaster Recovery|

Is MTPD in Disaster Recovery as Simple as It Sounds?

MTPD, just to remind you, stands for Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption. It’s a metric that gets less publicity than RTO (recovery time objective) and RPO (recovery time objective) and there is a reason, if not an excuse, for that. Definitions for MTPD usually sound simple: for example, “The maximum time an activity or resource can be unavailable before irreparable harm is caused to the organization.” The more complicated part is in the measurement of MTPD. Gauging irreversible damage in terms of job security of employees, legal liabilities, reputation and/or shareholder value is as much an art as a science. Furthermore, that simple definition may also be hiding more than meets the eye. Read more

2016-04-26T12:11:23+10:00By |Disaster Recovery|

How Gamification of Disaster Recovery Might Help Your Enterprise

For IT managers responsible for recovery after an IT incident, DR is often anything but a game. After all, with so many businesses critically dependent on their IT, any attempt to make RTO and RPO “fun” might seem seriously out of place. Yet gamification might be a smart move for organisations in which IT is being devolved to individual business units and employees. When users start to store business data on their personal mobile computing devices, they don’t always respond to stern injunctions to perform backups. On the other hand, making DR routines amusing or giving them a sense of achievement could appeal. Read more

2016-02-11T10:51:41+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|

Making the Link from Disaster Recovery SLAs back to Business Value

Service level agreements are a common feature of enterprise IT. They include guarantees of specified levels of availability and uptime, application response time, end-user support and problem resolution, and – of course – those DR staples of RTO and RPO. However, these SLAs are often a disconnected collection of promises. You could even call them “islands of commitment”, like people talk about “islands of automation” and other items in the IT world that have not been linked together for added business value. That’s a shame, because when used correctly, SLAs for IT in general and for disaster recovery in particular can provide value directly back to the business as a whole. Read more

2015-12-11T10:05:32+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|

Disaster Recovery Services – Checking Up

Would it surprise you to know that enterprises often spend around 25% of their information technology budget on disaster recovery solutions? With all that’s at stake including the survival in the market, companies can’t afford to get it wrong. While IT teams and internal auditors may be working on DR procedures and compliance, disaster recovery managers need to see the overall picture and identify any gaps or shortfalls that must addressed.  The DR planning documents that list disaster recovery risks, impacts and objectives are the starting point. But while a plan is necessary, it’s not sufficient: execution and checking are vital components as well. Read more

2013-11-25T10:28:50+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|