Testing Disaster Recovery Plans to Be Sure You’re Covered

Can you imagine handing over a power generating station for a client or delivering a new passenger airliner, without thoroughly testing both of them? Yet when it comes to disaster recovery plans for their own operations, many organisations have yet to acquire the ‘testing reflex’. A quick review of good reasons to test may help put testing on the agenda – and maybe even in pole position. Read more

2013-11-25T11:45:43+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|

The Return on Investment for Business Continuity Training

There’s no doubt that training in business continuity planning and management is an investment. And as such, organisations are justified in insisting on a return. It’s not just the financial expense of a course, travel and so on, but also the time spent away from one’s normal professional activities. So any training course in business continuity needs to pay attention to ways in which attendees and their organisations can quantify their ROI. Read more

2013-04-15T05:24:12+10:00By |DRI International, Training|