
Will a ‘Non-Stop’ Attitude Break Your Organisation?

More and more, the expectation is that enterprises will provide services at any time. Internet banking and e-commerce are prime examples. Customers can hop onto the web at three in the morning if they choose, and check their accounts, transfer money or buy almost anything they want. However, that means a ‘non-stop’ infrastructure needs to be in place for the provider to offer 24-hour, round the clock service. This is where dangerous confusion can creep in. It’s confusion that clear business continuity thinking needs to eradicate, if interruptions and accidents are to be avoided. Read more

2015-08-06T09:47:54+10:00By |DRI International|

Policies and Standards in Business Continuity – Old Hat or Essential?

Policies? Sometimes that sounds like something from the 1960s, when companies were all ‘command and control’ and corporate rules couldn’t even be bent, let alone broken. In that sense, applying policies to business continuity could almost be an oxymoron: policies were what often hindered or halted enterprises, instead of encouraging continuity. Standards don’t always get good press either. But if there’s a problem concerning ‘policies’ and ‘standards’ for business continuity, it’s more one of perception. Policies and standards, when used correctly, become a useful, indeed essential, backbone for business continuity across the organization. So how can you make them work for you, and not against you? Read more

2014-09-15T11:41:46+10:00By |DRI International|

Disaster Recovery is Purely an IT Function – Or is It?

There is a temptation to consider disaster recovery as an IT-specific activity, conducted by IT staff to get IT systems running properly again after an incident or a mishap. Part of that notion is true. Disaster recovery is a term that is reserved for computer systems and networks, and recovering after an IT outage. With enterprises and organisations increasingly dependent on information technology, that also makes DR a large and essential part of business planning. However, as IT-centric as disaster recovery may be, trying to make it the exclusive responsibility of the IT department could be a big mistake. Here’s why. Read more

2014-09-10T17:22:34+10:00By |Disaster Recovery|