
Disaster Recovery Millennial-Style – Don’t Let DR Become “tl;dr”!

Unless you have been living an extraordinarily sheltered life (which is difficult to do in business), the concept of millennials will probably be familiar to you. Millennials are people born at some time during the period 1980 to 2000 (although these dates are approximations). Also known as “Generation Y”, they are typically at ease with digital technology and big on digital collaboration, among other traits. Read more

2017-06-16T10:13:34+10:00By |Disaster Recovery|

How to ‘Sell’ Business Continuity to Four Generations of Workers

Business continuity is everybody’s business. While the principles and the planning may be better carried out by BC specialists, it’s the organisation as a whole that needs to apply them. However, a one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective when you’re trying to get the message across. It’s a fact that many organisations now have as many as four generations of employees. Each age group has its own characteristics, culture and way of doing things. As you work with colleagues to get BC in place and make it effective, knowing a little about how to ‘sell’ it to each group could help a lot. Read more

2015-02-02T09:35:23+11:00By |Business Continuity|