IT System

Disaster Recovery Has to Continue Beyond “Just Recovery”

There is a tendency to believe that once disaster recovery measures have been taken and systems brought back into operation, a disaster recovery manager’s job is done (apart from planning and preparing for future incidents). However, much like patients leaving hospital after an operation, vigilance is crucial. Complications and relapses can happen unexpectedly. Vulnerabilities can be created unintentionally Read more

2016-09-19T10:20:54+10:00By |Disaster Recovery|

Mistakes to Avoid When Responding to Stakeholders After an IT Disaster

Your disaster recovery plan and your backup solutions may be impressive, but a disaster is still a disaster. Whether the outage was short or long, whether data losses were negligible or considerable, somebody somewhere will have noticed – and will be waiting for an explanation. Your stakeholders in the matter may be your manager, internal users, external customers or anybody else to whom you gave assurances of IT system levels of service. As with other crises in corporate life, there is a right and a wrong way to handle communications afterwards. Here are five mistakes that are best avoided. Read more

2016-02-16T12:01:32+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|