Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery: From the First Crash to No Crash?

Computers are as old as the hills, when you consider early technologies like the abacus. Short of picking an abacus up and shaking it, it must have been hard to make it crash. When the first gigantic computers with their valves and switches arrived, so did the first crashes from bugs, which were literally the insects flying into the electricals and causing problems. Read more

2017-01-31T11:54:21+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|

In Disaster Recovery, Do You Know What You Are Recovering?

In theory, disaster recovery planning and management are what every self-respecting organization should practice. Restoring systems, databases, and networks – and more importantly, IT-enabled business functionality – after an incident is one of the highest priorities for most enterprises, so dependent on their IT to carry out their daily activities. The problem is that too many organizations do not know, in real terms, what they should be recovering. Read more

2016-10-31T10:50:34+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|