
Pros and Cons of Business Continuity in the Cloud

For many, the cloud represents business continuity. After all, it’s reputed to be scalable, secure and resilient, as well as being affordable, allowing organisations to start and stop systems and store and delete data at will. But what if your cloud provider was not the perfect embodiment of these sterling qualities? Before you commit to the cloud for your own business continuity, it may be wise to check the following points. Read more

2016-02-29T12:40:43+11:00By |Business Continuity|

Avoiding Confusion between Technology and Business Continuity

With technology driving so much business activity now, it’s easy to start thinking of it as the be-all and end-all of business continuity. After all, cloud and virtualisation solutions instantly move computer loads between servers and sites. Policy-defined software programs securely control access to information. Virtual desktop applications exactly reproduce the same user computing environment on any device in any location for automatic business continuity, whether or not your physical office is still standing. However, the danger is in confusing a resource with an objective. Read more

2014-10-17T15:18:07+11:00By |Business Continuity|

How Much Can Cloud Disaster Recovery Help Cut Costs without Compromising?

If there’s one thing that’s really grabbed businesses’ attention about cloud-based disaster recovery, it’s the opportunity to save money. Even for those big enough to have their own backup data centres, the prospect of moving to a pay-as-you-go solution instead of massive initial investment is enticing. And for those that were making do with on-site backups, they can get reduction in time and effort and an increase in resilience. However, cloud disaster recovery does have some limitations that organisations should know about before they send all of their data up into cyberspace. Read more

2013-11-25T10:38:29+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|