
Meet Business Continuity’s Cousin in ITIL, Availability Management

Sometimes it can be difficult to see the business forest for the IT trees. If you’ve ever pored over availability management as part of ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) best practices and wondered “why?”, here’s the answer. It’s to help prevent your enterprise from suffering catastrophic failure, a.k.a. going pear-shaped or going down the tubes. The specifications of IT availability must always be mapped onto business needs and vice versa. The following examples may help to see how. Read more

2016-10-31T10:48:52+11:00By |Business Continuity|

Business Continuity and Resilience – What’s in a Name?

“What’s in a name?” wrote William Shakespeare, centuries ago, going on to state that “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. You might rename a rose as stinking bladderwort, for example, but the flower itself won’t change. But what of business continuity – Is it always obvious whether or not aspects of an organisation fall under the business continuity umbrella or belong to organisational resilience? Even experts sometimes seem to tie themselves in knots about this. Take heart, however. As ever, we’ve got the answer for you below. Sometimes, one person uses resilience is used where another might have used business continuity, and vice versa. There is more than one school of thought on this: A.    The subcategory school. Business continuity is held to be a subsection of organisational resilience (without necessarily being precise about what either entails). B.    The binary belief. Business continuity is a binary, Read more

2016-08-30T16:15:31+10:00By |Business Continuity|

Pros and Cons of Business Continuity in the Cloud

For many, the cloud represents business continuity. After all, it’s reputed to be scalable, secure and resilient, as well as being affordable, allowing organisations to start and stop systems and store and delete data at will. But what if your cloud provider was not the perfect embodiment of these sterling qualities? Before you commit to the cloud for your own business continuity, it may be wise to check the following points. Read more

2016-02-29T12:40:43+11:00By |Business Continuity|

Your Organisation has Business Continuity and Resilience – But What About You?

Sometimes we concentrate so hard on overall resilience and business continuity that we neglect another vital aspect – the resilience of individuals in the organisation. While it’s true that there is often a positive spill-over from enterprise to employee, people need attention just as much as processes. Resilient people are better able to plan, execute and manage crises if they have to. Take a look at the list of characteristics below. If you think about how these points could be applied at a personal as well as at an organisational level, you’ll already be a big step ahead. Read more

2014-10-13T10:35:46+11:00By |Business Continuity|