The DRI International one-day course in emergency preparedness and response (BCOE-500) is primarily to give participants an understanding of emergency management and crisis planning. But as an employer you may also see certain other benefits, without even having to go through the rigours of either an emergency or a crisis. Having a group of people trained in these areas often has positive secondary effects back at their place of work.
The course itself provides an introduction to all the main areas involved in handling emergencies and crises, including identification, escalation, notification and mobilisation. It also covers the review and coordination of existing programs, and the development and enhancement of programs with the business units or departments concerned. Planning includes the identification of the range of emergencies to be covered, the assessment of risks and hazards, and the procedures to secure safety of individuals and groups, together with the formation of crisis response team.
By applying their newly acquired knowledge back at work, attendees can communicate the fact to other employees that the organisation is prepared to deal with unexpected turns of events. This fosters a greater degree of confidence and the possibility to focus on the real work to be done without being distracted by worries about personal or job safety. At the same time, offering training like this to staff is a demonstration that you care about their safety, but also that you value them enough to invest in them. This in turn improves loyalty and staff retention, which contributes to enhanced business continuity too.