If you’re considering sending your business continuity staff to this professional BCM certification course, you might also like to know about some of its wider-ranging benefits. The BCLE2000 training prepares participants for the Professional Qualifying Examination of DRI International. Success in this exam means achieving a status recognised worldwide. That’s the assurance to your organization that you have competent, knowledgeable personnel on board to reinforce and enhance business continuity. But what also counts is the route to that certification during the first four days of the training and a certain positive ‘ripple effect’ that organisations see afterwards.
Professional business continuity management certification on the BCLE2000 course is based on a pragmatic mix of relevant BCM principles and practical exercises. Attendees coming back to work with their CBCP (Certified Business Continuity Professional) qualification have learnt about the key professional practices that span good BCM. But more to the point, they’ve also participated in applying those principles for tangible results. Case studies, instructor-student discussions and practical exercises ensure that the principles can become part of daily BCM best practices back on the job.
In addition, your BCM staff with this certification often gain noticeably in self-assurance. They communicate their ideas and suggestions more easily. This is particularly important in business continuity management, because it affects the whole of the organisation. It helps to get all departments to put the rudiments into practice in their own work areas. The potential benefits of business continuity are then developed across the board – improved organisational image, stronger relationships with customers and a positive environment that encourages good performance everywhere. That also makes it easier to hire in new talent. Consider sending them on the BCLE2000 as well to continue the virtuous circle!