Supply Chains

Reinforcing Business Continuity in Supply Chains

For many enterprises, the supply chain has become the centre of the universe. More important than cool branding, funky product features or any other individual aspect, success is determined by how well an enterprise manages to supply its market with the right product in the right place at the right time and at the right cost. Everything revolves around getting the supply chain right. Complexity means challenges for business continuity, especially as doing better in one area may penalise performance in another. However, business continuity must hold up overall. Some top performers have shown how two aspects in particular can make the difference. Read more

2016-05-26T11:32:31+10:00By |Business Continuity|

The Risks of Business Continuity on the Rebound

When natural dangers and disasters are few and far between in your own country, it may come as a surprise to know how high the levels of risk are in other parts of the world. When natural catastrophes come with the territory, the only solution is to be able to rebound from them. Some nations are better equipped to do this than others. From a business perspective, there is also a correlation between lower cost providers and less resilience. In other words, if you are selecting foreign suppliers on the basis of lower prices, it pays to check the exposure of the supplier’s country to hazards that could hinder the supplier’s capability to provide goods or services. Read more

2016-03-31T17:08:53+11:00By |Business Continuity|

The Alternative to Multiplication for External Risk Management in Supply Chains

Few and far between are the organisations that are a complete supply chain in themselves. They are much more likely to be part of an overall supply chain with upstream components, downstream components or both. Whether you make cars, computers or breakfast cereals, the same logic applies. You have suppliers upstream from which you acquire raw materials. You have distributors and retailers downstream upon whom you depend for the sale and consumption of your products. That means extra, less controllable (for you) links in the chain that could break and bring your business to a standstill, even though your own organisation is working perfectly. Read more

2015-06-02T11:42:30+10:00By |Disaster Recovery|