Business Continuity Training

BCP 501 as Part of a True Skills Building Approach

Education can significantly improve knowledge and performance. However, much of that improvement depends on attitude. BCP 501, the 2.5 day review course on Business Continuity Planning, is no exception. Knowledge, competences and methodology are all packed into 16 hours of concentrated value for those who choose to approach it as skills-building rather than just ‘schooling’. What are the differences between these two approaches – and how can you get the most out of your business continuity training? Read more

Career tracking training through DRI-ANZ

Raise your hand if you want a successful career! Many would readily agree that it is important to be both competent and adaptive in your work in all sectors of professional activity; and in business continuity and disaster recovery in particular. You stand to benefit as an individual. You learn more, know more and become eligible for different positions and responsibilities. Your employer benefits too by having a flexible, higher-performance workforce able to propel the organisation in the right direction at the right speed. Hence the importance of career tracking: knowing your own value, your value to your enterprise and what your next career steps can be. Career tracking training from DRI-ANZ is there to help structure these aspects and thus benefit you and your employer. Read more

2014-01-13T11:41:59+11:00By |Disaster Recovery|

The Role of the Business Continuity “Coach”

Good business continuity training can teach you all the essential parts of BC planning and management. Application of training and practical experience in the field can then round out the principles and theory. But how do you then get business continuity awareness into the hearts and minds of accountants, research engineers, HR managers, logistics project managers – and anyone else with a specialized role in your organisation? It’s impossible to know everybody else’s job like they do, and foolish to try. In fact, rather than trying to ask them job-specific BC questions, you may get further by using the following technique from the world of coaching. Read more

2013-07-02T02:35:30+10:00By |DRI International, Training|

Usability and Learnability in Relation to Business Continuity Training

Intuitively, when it comes to a business continuity training course, you might say that learnability is the issue. Learnability is how fast or easily you can go through a procedure or exercise for the first time to get to a certain level of competence. Measures of usability apply when you repeatedly perform the same or similar actions, routines or procedures. What happens however when you’re back in your own organisation, putting BC to work – is learnability or usability the key factor? And is there a difference for people who are in the BC team or who work elsewhere in the organisation? Read more

2013-07-02T02:28:57+10:00By |DRI International, Training|

Learning About Business Continuity Governance and Passing It On

Governance? What’s that? Apart from a buzzword that has come into fashion over the last few years, governance simply means the act of governing or how an organization controls its actions. Governance applied to business continuity is related to decision-making and leadership in making sure that a business can continue to function in the face of adversity. As such, it requires understanding about the principles and applications of business continuity, and also being able to communicate that understanding to senior management to get support for business continuity. That is also where good BC training has a key role to play. Read more

2013-04-15T05:26:23+10:00By |DRI International|

How much can business continuity plan best practice be taught?

Some skills in life can be learned, but are difficult, if not impossible, to teach. If you think back to when you learned to ride a bike, to swing on a swing or to whistle, you’ll probably understand what we’re talking about. A similar question arises concerning business continuity plan best practice. While it’s a good objective to aim for, one practitioner’s BCP best practice is not necessarily best for another practitioner. In fact, you may only find out later for your own specific situation what constitutes best practice. So how much sense does it make to talk about teaching it? Read more

2013-03-07T23:40:34+11:00By |DRI International, Training|